It eventually died with an OOM error. Guess the table was just too
big :( Created an improvement request ticket:


On Mar 12, 10:50 pm, Jason Harvey <> wrote:
> Trying to import a 3GB JSON file which was exported from sstable2json.
> I let it run for over an hour and saw zero IO activity. The last thing
> it logs is the following:
> DEBUG 23:19:32,638 collecting 0 of 2147483647:
> Avro/Schema:false:2042@1298067089267
> DEBUG 23:19:32,638 collecting 1 of 2147483647: reddit:false:2502@1298067089267
> Considering I saw zero reads on my disk when I ran it, I don't think
> it is even reading the JSON file.
> I shrunk the file down to a handful of keys, and it worked fine. Is
> there an issue with json2sstable loading large JSON files? Does it try
> to read it into memory?
> Also as a note, this data is unsorted. I did generate it via
> sstable2json, but my sstables were broken and had unsorted data, which
> is the whole reason I am doing this.
> Thanks!
> Jason

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