2011/3/10 Wangpei (Peter) <peter.wang...@huawei.com>

> My question:
> what the client would get, when following happens:(RF=3, N=3)
> 1, write with timestamp T and succeed in all nodes.
> 2, delete with timestamp T+1, CL=Q, and succeed in node1 and node2 but
> failed in node3.
> 3, force flush + compaction
> 4, read CL=Q
> Does the client will get the row and read repair will "fix" the data?
> If not, how cassandra prevent from this?

No, the client won't get the row unless you have set an unreasonable value
to gc_grace_seconds (like 0 in the example of the first mail of this thread,
that is *not* a value you should use). Cassandra prevents this using the
gc_grace_seconds option, see
http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/DistributedDeletes for more details.


> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: Jonathan Ellis [mailto:jbel...@gmail.com]
> 发送时间: 2011年3月10日 10:19
> 收件人: user@cassandra.apache.org
> 主题: Re: understanding tombstones
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Jeffrey Wang <jw...@palantir.com> wrote:
> > insert row X with timestamp T
> > delete row X with timestamp T+1
> > force flush + compaction
> > insert row X with timestamp T
> >
> > My understanding is that the tombstone created by the delete (and row X)
> > will disappear with the flush + compaction which means the last insertion
> > should show up.
> Right.
> > I believe I have traced this to the fact that the markedForDeleteAt field
> on
> > the ColumnFamily does not get reset after a compaction (after
> > gc_grace_seconds has passed); is this desirable? I think it introduces an
> > inconsistency in how tombstoned columns work versus tombstoned CFs.
> Thanks.
> That does sound like a bug.  Can you create a ticket?
> --
> Jonathan Ellis
> Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
> co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support
> http://www.datastax.com

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