And everyone has a bias - and I think most people working with any of these 
solutions realizes that.

I think it's interesting how many organizations use multiple data storage 
solutions versus just using one as they have different capabilities - like the 
recent Netflix news about using different data stores for different reasons.

On Feb 25, 2011, at 10:21 AM, A J wrote:

> Though you are not really implying that, I am not selling anything. I
> don't work for VoltDB. I had other issues for my use case with the
> software when I was evaluating it (their claim of durability is weak
> according to me. Though it does not matter I'd rather they call
> themselves NOSQL. they just give lip-service to SQL)
> I'd rather not drink any sort of kool-aid, get all sides (whatever the
> motive of the sides be) and be the judge myself for what I want to do.
> The thread was by someone who seems to be having difficulty wrapping
> head around the gives and takes of cassandra. maybe something else is
> better for their use case.
> Peace :)
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 10:39 AM, Jonathan Ellis <> wrote:
>> That article is heavily biased by "I am selling a competitor to Cassandra."
>> First, read Coda's original piece if you haven't:
>> Then, Jeff Darcy's response:
>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 2:56 PM, A J <> wrote:
>>> While we are at it, there's more to consider than just CAP in distributed :)
>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 3:31 PM, Edward Capriolo <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 3:03 PM, A J <> wrote:
>>>>> yes, that is difficult to digest and one has to be sure if the use
>>>>> case can afford it.
>>>>> Some other NOSQL databases deals with it differently (though I don't
>>>>> think any of them use atomic 2-phase commit). MongoDB for example will
>>>>> ask you to read from the node you wrote first (primary node) unless
>>>>> you are ok with eventual consistency. If the write did not make to
>>>>> majority of other nodes, it will be rolled-back from the original
>>>>> primary when it comes up again as a secondary.
>>>>> In some cases, you still could server either new value (that was
>>>>> returned as failed) or the old one. But it is different from Cassandra
>>>>> in the sense that Cassandra will never rollback.
>>>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Anthony John <> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> The leap of faith here is that an error does not mean a clean backing 
>>>>>> out to
>>>>>> prior state - as we are used to with databases. It means that the 
>>>>>> operation
>>>>>> in error could have gone through partially
>>>>>> Again, this is not an absolutely unfamiliar territory and can be dealt 
>>>>>> with.
>>>>>> -JA
>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 1:16 PM, A J <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> but could be broken in case of a failed write<<
>>>>>>> You can think of a scenario where R + W >N still leads to
>>>>>>> inconsistency even for successful writes. Say you keep W=1 and R=N .
>>>>>>> Lets say the one node where a write happened with success goes down
>>>>>>> before it made to the other N-1 nodes. Lets say it goes down for good
>>>>>>> and is unrecoverable. The only option is to build a new node from
>>>>>>> scratch from other active nodes. This will lead to a write that was
>>>>>>> lost and you will end up serving stale copy of it.
>>>>>>> It is better to talk in terms of use cases and if cassandra will be a
>>>>>>> fit for it. Otherwise unless you have W=R=N and fsync before each
>>>>>>> write commit, there will be scope for inconsistency.
>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 1:25 PM, Anthony John <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I see the point - apologies for putting everyone through this!
>>>>>>>> It was just militating against my mental model.
>>>>>>>> In summary, here is my take away - simple stuff but - IMO - important 
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> conclude this thread (I hope):-
>>>>>>>> 1. I was splitting hair over a failed ( partial ) Q Write. Such an 
>>>>>>>> event
>>>>>>>> should be immediately followed by the same write going to a connection
>>>>>>>> on to
>>>>>>>> another node ( potentially using connection caches of client
>>>>>>>> implementations
>>>>>>>> ) or a Read at CL of All. Because a write could have partially gone
>>>>>>>> through.
>>>>>>>> 2. Timestamps are used in determining the latest version ( correcting
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> false impression I was propagating)
>>>>>>>> Finally, wrt "W + R > N for Q CL statement" holds, but could be broken
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> case of a failed write as it is unsure whether the new value got 
>>>>>>>> written
>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>  any server or not. Is that a fair characterization ?
>>>>>>>> Bottom line - unlike traditional DBMS, errors do not ensure automatic
>>>>>>>> cleanup and revert back, app code has to follow up if  immediate - and
>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>> eventual -  consistency is desired. I made that leap in almost all 
>>>>>>>> cases
>>>>>>>> - I
>>>>>>>> think - but the case of a failed write.
>>>>>>>> My bad and I can live with this!
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> -JA
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 11:50 AM, Sylvain Lebresne
>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 6:33 PM, Anthony John <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Completely understand!
>>>>>>>>>> All that I am quibbling over is whether a CL of quorum guarantees
>>>>>>>>>> consistency or not. That is what the documentation says - right. IF
>>>>>>>>>> for a CL
>>>>>>>>>> of Q read - it depends on which node returns read first to determine
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> actual returned result or other more convoluted conditions , then a
>>>>>>>>>> Quorum
>>>>>>>>>> read/write is not consistent, by any definition.
>>>>>>>>> But that's the point. The definition of consistency we are talking
>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>> has no meaning if you consider only a quorum read. The definition
>>>>>>>>> (which is
>>>>>>>>> the de facto definition of consistency in 'eventually consistent') 
>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>> sense if we talk about a write followed by a read. And it is
>>>>>>>>> considering succeeding write followed by succeeding read.
>>>>>>>>> And that is the statement the wiki is making.
>>>>>>>>> Honestly, we could debate forever on the definition of consistency and
>>>>>>>>> whatnot. Cassandra guaranties that if you do a (succeeding) write on W
>>>>>>>>> replica and then a (succeeding) read on R replica and if R+W>N, then 
>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> guaranteed that the read will see the preceding write. And this is 
>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>> called consistency in the context of eventual consistency (which is 
>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> context of ACID).
>>>>>>>>> If this is not the definition of consistency you had in mind then by
>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>>> mean, Cassandra probably don't guarantee this definition. But given
>>>>>>>>> that the
>>>>>>>>> paragraph preceding what you pasted state clearly we are not talking
>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>> ACID consistency, but eventual consistency, I don't think the wiki is
>>>>>>>>> making
>>>>>>>>> any unfair statement.
>>>>>>>>> That being said, the wiki may not be always as clear as it could. But
>>>>>>>>> it's
>>>>>>>>> an editable wiki :)
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> Sylvain
>>>>>>>>>> I can still use Cassandra, and will use it, luv it!!! But let us not
>>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>>> this statement on the Wiki architecture section:-
>>>>>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> More specifically: R=read replica count W=write replica
>>>>>>>>>> count N=replication factor Q=QUORUM (Q = N / 2 + 1)
>>>>>>>>>> If W + R > N, you will have consistency
>>>>>>>>>> W=1, R=N
>>>>>>>>>> W=N, R=1
>>>>>>>>>> W=Q, R=Q where Q = N / 2 + 1
>>>>>>>>>> Cassandra provides consistency when R + W > N (read replica count
>>>>>>>>>> + write
>>>>>>>>>> replica count > replication factor).
>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> .
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Sylvain Lebresne
>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 6:01 PM, Anthony John 
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> If you are correct and you are probably closer to the code - then 
>>>>>>>>>>>> CL
>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>> Quorum does not guarantee a consistency.
>>>>>>>>>>> If the operation succeed, it does (for some definition of 
>>>>>>>>>>> consistency
>>>>>>>>>>> which is, following reads at Quorum will be guaranteed to see the 
>>>>>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>>>>>> value
>>>>>>>>>>> of a update at quorum). If it fails, then no, it does not guarantee
>>>>>>>>>>> consistency.
>>>>>>>>>>> It is important to note that the word consistency has multiple
>>>>>>>>>>> meaning.
>>>>>>>>>>> In particular, when we are talking of consistency in Cassandra, we
>>>>>>>>>>> are not
>>>>>>>>>>> talking of the same definition as the C in ACID
>>>>>>>>>>> (see: 
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 10:54 AM, Sylvain Lebresne
>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 5:34 PM, Anthony John
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time stamps are not used for conflict resolution - unless is 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> part of the application logic!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What is you definition of conflict resolution ? Because if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> update twice the same column (which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll call a conflict), then the timestamps are used to decide
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> update wins (which I'll call a resolution).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I understand what you are saying, and yes semantics is very
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> important
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here. And yes we are responding to the immediate questions 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> covering
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all questions in the thread.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The point being made here is that the timestamp of the column is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used by Cassandra to figure out what data to return.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not quite true.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E.g. - Quorum is 2 nodes - and RF of 3 over N1/2/3
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A Quorum  Write comes and add/updates the time stamp (TS2) of a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> particular data element. It succeeds on N1 - fails on N2/3. So 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> returned as failed - right ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Now Quorum read comes in for exactly the same piece of data that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write failed for.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So N1 has TS2 but both N2/3 have the old TS (say TS1)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And the read succeeds - Will it return TS1 or TS2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I submit it will return TS1 - the old TS.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> It all depends on which (first 2) nodes respond to the read (since
>>>>>>>>>>>>> RF=3, that can any two of N1/N2/N3). If N1 is part of the two that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> makes the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> quorum, then TS2 will be returned, because cassandra will compare
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> timestamp and decide what to return based on this. If N2/N3
>>>>>>>>>>>>> responds
>>>>>>>>>>>>> however, both timestamp will be TS1 and so, after timestamp
>>>>>>>>>>>>> resolution, it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> will stil be TS1 that will be returned.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So yes timestamp is used for conflict resolution.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In your example, you could get TS1 back because a failed write can
>>>>>>>>>>>>> let
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you cluster in an inconsistent state. You'd have to retry the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> quorum and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> only when it succeeds can you be guaranteed that quorum read will
>>>>>>>>>>>>> always
>>>>>>>>>>>>> return TS2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is because when a write fails, Cassandra doesn't guarantee
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the write did not made it in (there is no revert).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are we on the same page with this interpretation ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -JA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 10:12 AM, Sylvain Lebresne
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 4:52 PM, Anthony John
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sylvan,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time stamps are not used for conflict resolution - unless is is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> part of the application logic!!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What is you definition of conflict resolution ? Because if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> update twice the same column (which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll call a conflict), then the timestamps are used to decide
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> update wins (which I'll call a resolution).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You can have "lost updates" w/Cassandra. You need to to use 3rd
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> products - cages for e.g. - to get ACID type consistency.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then again, you'll have to define what you are calling "lost
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> updates". Provided you use a reasonable consistency level,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cassandra
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> provides fairly strong durability guarantee, so for some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> definition you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't "lose updates".
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That being said, I never pretended that Cassandra provided any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ACID
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guarantee. ACID relates to transaction, which Cassandra doesn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> support. If
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> we're talking about the guarantees of transaction, then by all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> means,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cassandra won't provide it. And yes you can use cages or the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transaction. But that was not the point of the thread, was it ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The thread
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is about vector clocks, and that has nothing to do with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> transaction (vector
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> clocks certainly don't give you transactions).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry if I wasn't clear in my mail, but I was only responding to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> why
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so far I don't think vector clocks would really provide much for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cassandra.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sylvain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -JA
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 7:41 AM, Sylvain Lebresne
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 3:22 AM, Anthony John
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Apologies : For some reason my response on the original mail
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> keeps bouncing back, thus this new one!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From the other hand, the same article says:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "For conditional writes to work, the condition must be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> evaluated at all update
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sites before the write can be allowed to succeed."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This means, that when doing such an update CL=ALL must be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry, but I am confused by that entire thread!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Questions:-
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Does Cassandra implement any kind of data locking - at any
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> granularity whether it be row/colF/Col ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No locking, no.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. If the answer to 1 above is NO! - how does CL ALL prevent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conflicts. Concurrent updates on exactly the same piece of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> data on different
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> nodes can still mess each other up, right ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure why you are taking CL.ALL specifically. But in any 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CL,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> updating the same piece of data means the same column value. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that case,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the resolution rules are the following:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   - If the updates have a different timestamp, keep the one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the higher timestamp. That is, the more recent of two updates
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> win.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   - It the timestamps are the same, then it compares the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> values
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (byte comparison) and keep the highest value. This is just to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> break ties in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a consistent manner.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So if you do two truly concurrent updates (that is from two
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> place
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at the same instant), then you'll end with one of the update.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> column level.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However, if that simple conflict detection/resolution 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mechanism
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not good enough for some of your use case and you need to keep
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> two
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> concurrent updates, it is easy enough. Just make sure that the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> update don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> end up in the same column. This is easily achieved by 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> appending
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> some unique
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> identifier to the column name for instance. And when reading,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do a slice and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reconcile whatever you get back with whatever logic make 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sense.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that, congrats, you've roughly emulated what vector clocks
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would do. Btw, no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> locking or anything needed.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In my experience, for most things the timestamp resolution is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enough. If the same user update twice it's profile picture on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you web site
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at the same microsecond, it's usually fine to end up with one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of the two
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pictures. In the rare case where you need something more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> specific, using the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cassandra data model usually solves the problem easily. The
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reason for not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> having vector clocks in Cassandra is that so far, we haven't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> really found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much example where it is no the case.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sylvain
>>>> Just to make a note the "EVENTUAL" in eventual consistency could be a
>>>> time that is less then 1ms.
>>>> I have a program that demonstrates that "eventual" means if i write
>>>> data at the weakest level, and read it back from a random another node
>>>> as soon as possible. 99% I see the update. I can share the code if you
>>>> would like.
>>>> Remember
>>>> ...but there is no reference frame in which the two events can occur
>>>> at the same time...
>>>> As to MongoDB references ....Yes! most of the noSQL work differently.
>>>> They each approach CAP
>>>> in a
>>>> different way.
>>>> Cassandra does not lock (it is no secret). But remember, you can not
>>>> have it all pick 2/3 from CAP.
>> --
>> Jonathan Ellis
>> Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
>> co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

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