So far my understanding about indexes is that you can create indexes only on
column values (username in below eg).

Does it make sense to also have index on the keys that columnFamily uses to
store rows (row keys "abc" in below example). I am thinking in an event rows
keep growing would search be fast if there is an index on row keys if you
want to retrieve for eg "def" only out of tons of rows?

UserProfile = { // this is a ColumnFamily
    abc: {   // this is the key to this Row inside the CF
        // now we have an infinite # of columns in this row
        username: "phatduckk",
        email: "",
        phone: "(900) 976-6666"
    }, // end row
    def: {   // this is the key to another row in the CF
        // now we have another infinite # of columns in this row
        username: "ieure",
        email: "",
        phone: "(888) 555-1212"
        age: "66",
        gender: "undecided"

2) Is the hash of column key used or row key used by RandomPartitioner to
distribute it accross the cassandra nodes?
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