More a less yes you must handle the synchronization, this only really becomes 
an issue when multiple hosts hit Cassandra and want to hit the same row/column 
at the same time, which is certainly possible but may not be common depending 
on your use case. 

this has a bit of info on the column level clock

you can write your own clock resolution in a high level client like hector

single writer timestamp resolution

Vector clocks was more of a Dynamo thing, I read a write up somewhere on some 
of reasons why Cassandra puts this issue on the user but I can't locate it 
currently unfortunately. Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: tijoriwala.ritesh [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: Does Cassandra use vector clocks

Thanks for the quick reply. I found this ticket which talks about vector
clock support in Cassandra but it was marked as "won't fix". It would be
insightful to know why it was rejected.

If Cassandra relies on timestamps, does it mean that clients have to be
clock synchronized? This is very difficult in distributed systems.
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