I am still getting the following:

On node 1:
ERROR 16:57:31,365 Fatal error: Bootstraping to existing token 0 is not
allowed (decommission/removetoken the old node first).

On node 2:
ERROR 16:57:42,300 Fatal error: Bootstraping to existing token
56713727820156410577229101238628035242 is not allowed
(decommission/removetoken the old node first).
Bad configuration; unable to start server

node 3: is up

node 1 has initial_token: 0 . I think earlier it wasn't set.

node 2 initial_token: 56713727820156410577229101238628035242. Earlier it had

node 3 initial_token: 113427455640312821154458202477256070484

What should I do now?

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