Is there any reason why you would be interested to use erlang with
cassandra instead of other erlang based database [i.e Couchbase, Riak]

I am interested to know the reason.

Kind regards,

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Sasha Dolgy <> wrote:
> hi,
> does anyone have an erlang example for connecting to cassandra and
> performing an operation like a get?
> I'm not having much luck with: \thrift-0.5.0\test\erl\src\* as a reference
> point.
> I generated all of the erlang files using thrift and have successfully
> compiled them but am having a pretty rough go at it.
> Found this old post:
> ...
> but seems the examples never made it to the wiki.
> -sd
> --
> Sasha Dolgy


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