Already done. The disk access mode is standard in storage-conf.xml (I am
using 0.6.6 at the moment, I will upgrade to 0.7.x later). But this memory
consumption is a real issue.

2011/2/17 Aaron Morton <>

> Looks like you are using virtual memory for memmapped files. Change the
> disk_access_mode to standard if you want to reduce the overall memory
> usage.
> Aaron
> On 18 Feb, 2011,at 09:34 AM, Victor Kabdebon <>
> wrote:
> Sorry I forgot to say that this is the partial result of :
> ps aux | grep cassandra
> Best regards
> 2011/2/17 Victor Kabdebon <>
>> Oh right but Cassandra doesn't really respect that, I thought there was
>> another option to set that.
>> Just for your information, I set xms and xmx very low with a small amount
>> of data. I am waiting to be able to connect jconsole, I don't know why it is
>> not reachable at the moment. Here is my result :
>> 105      26115  0.2 273 1125328 755316 ?      Sl   Feb09  23:58
>> /usr/bin/java -ea -Xms64M -Xmx128M
>> 2011/2/17 Aaron Morton <>
>>> bin/
>>> set Xms and Xmx in the JVM_OPTS
>>> Aaron
>>> On 18 Feb, 2011,at 09:10 AM, Victor Kabdebon <>
>>> wrote:
>>> Is it possible to change the maximum JVM heap memory use in 0.6.X ?
>>> 2011/2/17 Aaron Morton <>
>>>> What are you using for disk_access_mode ?
>>>> Have you tried reducing the JVM head size?
>>>> Have you added the Jna.jar file to lib/ ? This will allow Cassandra to
>>>> lock the JVM memory.
>>>> Aaron
>>>> On 17/02/2011, at 9:20 PM, ruslan usifov 
>>>> <<>>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> 2011/2/16 Aaron Morton < <>
>>>>> JVM heap memory is controlled by the settings in conf/
>>>>> Memory mapped files will use additional virtual memory, is controlled
>>>>> in conf/Cassandra.yaml disk_access_mode
>>>> And??? JVM memory heap in cassandra 0.7 is by default half of memory is
>>>> system in my case 4GB, here is a part of
>>>> calculate_heap_size()
>>>> {
>>>>     case "`uname`" in
>>>>         Linux)
>>>>             system_memory_in_mb=`free -m | awk '/Mem:/ {print $2}'`
>>>>             MAX_HEAP_SIZE=$((system_memory_in_mb / 2))M
>>>>             return 0
>>>>         ;;
>>>>         FreeBSD)
>>>>             system_memory_in_bytes=`sysctl hw.physmem | awk '{print
>>>> $2}'`
>>>>             MAX_HEAP_SIZE=$((system_memory_in_bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 2))M
>>>>             return 0
>>>>         ;;
>>>>         *)
>>>>             MAX_HEAP_SIZE=1024M
>>>>             return 1
>>>>         ;;
>>>>     esac
>>>> }
>>>> I set all this options by default. All my nodes have 8GB of memory. And
>>>> i affraid that after some time all my nodes goes to hard swap, and only
>>>> reboot help them :-(((
>>>> PS: as i understand that down sometime of cassandra is normal?

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