On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 12:37 AM, E S <tr1skl...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I've gotten myself really confused by
> http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/ArchitectureInternals and am hoping someone 
> can
> help me understand what the io behavior of this operation would be.
> When I do a get_slice for a column range, will it seek to every SSTable?  I 
> had
> thought that it would use the bloom filter on the row key so that it would 
> only
> do a seek to SSTables that have a very high probability of containing columns
> for that row.


> In the linked doc above, it seems to say that it is only used for
> exact column names.  Am I misunderstanding this?

Yes.  You may be confusing multi-row behavior with multi-column.

> On a related note, if instead of using a SliceRange I provide an explicit list
> of columns, will I have to read all SSTables that have values for the columns


> or is it smart enough to stop after finding a value from the most recent
> SSTable?

There is no way to know which value is most recent without having to
read it first.

Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

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