
The Mojo team is pleased to announce the release of Mojo's Cassandra
Maven Plugin version 0.7.0-1.

Mojo's Cassandra Plugin is used when you want to install and control a
test instance of Apache Cassandra from within your Apache Maven build.

The plugin has the following goals.

* cassandra:start Starts up a test instance of Cassandra in the background.
* cassandra:stop Stops the test instance of Cassandra that was started
using cassandra:start.
* cassandra:run Starts up a test instance of Cassandra in the foreground.
* cassandra:load Runs a cassandra-cli script against the test instance
of Cassandra.
* cassandra:repair Runs nodetool repair against the test instance of Cassandra.
* cassandra:flush Runs nodetool flush against the test instance of Cassandra.
* cassandra:compact Runs nodetool compact against the test instance of
* cassandra:cleanup Runs nodetool cleanup against the test instance of
* cassandra:delete Deletes the the test instance of Cassandra.


To use this version, simply specify the version in your project's
plugin configuration:


Release Notes

This is the first release of Mojo's Cassandra Maven Plugin


The Mojo team.

Stephen Connolly

Apache, Apache Maven, Apache Cassandra, Maven and Cassandra are
trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.

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