Hi, In Mysql I do this pattern and wonder if I could do something similar with cassandra.
1. Live/Production queries always coming into LiveTable 2. Build new data with BuildTable 3. RENAME TABLE LiveTable TO OldTable, BuildTable To LiveTable 4. DROP TABLE OldTable, Goto step #2 building new data set. Since the RENAME TABLE is an atomic operation and takes only a few ms on a 20GB table, The queries on LiveTable are never interrupted. The only way i see to so this, with cassandra would be to use ColumnFamily1 and ColumnFamily2 and switch reads between ColumnFamily1 and ColumnFamily2 depending on which is building, and which is live. Before i start building a new dataset I would have to delete all the data. I use cassandra TTLs for a different project, but it wouldn't really suit this usage model. Any good way to do this in cassandra? Thanks. Karl