On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 1:51 AM, TSANG Yiu Wing <ywts...@gmail.com> wrote:
> cassandra version: 0.7
> client library: scale7-pelops / 1.0-RC1-0.7.0-SNAPSHOT
> cluster: 3 machines (A, B, C)
> details:
> it works perfectly when all 3 machines are up and running
> but if the seed machine is down, the problems happen:
> 1) new client connection cannot be established

sounds like pelops relies on the seed node to introduce it to the
cluster.  you should configure it either with a hardcoded list of
nodes or use something like RRDNS instead.  I don't use pelops so I
can't help other than that.  (I believe there is a mailing list for
Pelops though.)

> 2) if a client keeps connecting to and operating at (issue get and
> update) the cluster, when the seed is down, the working client will
> throw exception upon the next operation

I know Hector supports transparent failover to another Cassandra node.
 Perhaps Pelops does not.

> 3) using cassandra-cli to connect the remaining nodes in the cluster,
> "Internal error processing get_range_slices" will happen when querying
> column family
>> list <cf>;

Cassandra always logs the cause of internal errors in system.log, so
you should look there.

Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

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