On Mon, 2011-02-07 at 12:08 +0000, Vivek Mishra wrote:
> Recently I worked on implementation of java jdbc driver for cassandra
> using CQL. Given below is an example code base(with basic features)
> about how to use it:

[ ... ]


> I am not sure if there is any JIRA related to this. With such basic
> things I have this in place.(A lot of work needs to be done on this.)

There is CASSANDRA-1710, which saw some discussion about a possible
JDBC-(like|compliant) driver, but it probably makes sense to create one
specifically for this.  Thus, I give you:

> Please let me know, if I can add this project in relation with any
> Cassandra JIRA, else planning to open source it on google code. 

Absolutely, CASSANDRA-2124 is all yours! :)

Eric Evans

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