Thanks for detailed replay

On 02/05/2011 10:01 PM, Edward Capriolo wrote:
On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 11:35 AM, Ali Ahsan<>  wrote:
Thanks for replying Edward Capriolo.Will this effect cassandra ring
  integrity? Another question is that will cassandra work properly after this
operation.And will it be possible to restore deleted  data from backup?.

in 0.6.X
pkill `pid of cassandra`
rm -rf * /var/lib/cassandra/data/<keyspace>/<CF you want to delete>*
(start cassandra)

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

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I am not sure what you mean by data integrity.

In short, when Cassandra starts up it searches it's data directories
and loads up the data, index, bloom filters, and saved caches it

Unless the files are corrupt it will happily load up what it finds.

Restores are done by the process your described , stop server, restore
files, start server.

S.Ali Ahsan

Senior System Engineer

e-Business (Pvt) Ltd

49-C Jail Road, Lahore, P.O. Box 676
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