I'm still very new to Cassandra, but when I started reading about it the first thing I thought about was a session store. It's based (in part from what I understand) on Dynamo which is (again, I could be wrong) used at Amazon as the session store for your shopping cart.

So I would certainly reach for Cassandra if I needed a reliable distributed session store.


On 02/01/2011 03:24 PM, Sasha Dolgy wrote:

What I'm still unclear about, and where I think this is suitable, is Cassandra
being used as a data warehouse for current and past sessions tied to a user.
  Yes, other things are great for session management, but I want to provide near
real time session information to my users ... quick and simple and i want to use
cassandra ... surely i can't be that bad for thinking this is a good idea?

On Tue, Feb 1, 2011 at 9:20 PM, Kallin Nagelberg <kallin.nagelb...@gmail.com
<mailto:kallin.nagelb...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    nvm on the persistence, it seems like it does support it:

    'Since version 1.1 the safer alternative is an append-only file (a
    journal) that is written as operations modifying the dataset in memory
    are processed. Redis is able to rewrite the append-only file in the
    background in order to avoid an indefinite growth of the journal.'

    This thread probably shouldn't digress too much from Cassandra's
    suitability for session management though..

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