On Tue, 2011-01-25 at 14:16 +0100, Patrik Modesto wrote:
> The atttached file contains the working version with cloned key in
> reduce() method. My other aproache was:
> > context.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(key.getBytes(), 0, key.getLength()),
> > Collections.singletonList(getMutation(key)));
> Which produce junk keys. 

In fact i have another problem (trying to write an empty byte[], or
something, as a key, which put one whole row out of whack, ((one row in
25 million...))).

But i'm debugging along the same code.

I don't quite understand how the byte[] in 
gets clobbered.
Well your key is a mutable Text object, so i can see some possibility
depending on how hadoop uses these objects.
Is there something to ByteBuffer.allocate(..) i'm missing...

 is "d.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();" ok?
 shouldn't this be microseconds so that each mutation has a different
timestamp? http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/DataModel


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