Not that I know of.
Can you share some more information on you application, you may be able to 
design your way around it by denormalising.


On 17/01/2011, at 5:22 AM, Michael Fortin <> wrote:

> From what I can tell, get_count(), returns the total number of columns, is 
> there a way to get the count on a slice?  The docs for Counters also doesn't 
> make any references to slices either.
> On Jan 12, 2011, at 4:07 PM, Aaron Morton wrote:
>> There is a get_count() API function , 
>> it's going to count the columns in a row or row+super column. This function 
>> is available in me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.KeyspaceService.
>> There are distributed counters submitted to the trunk 
>> but these are not in the recent 
>> 0.7 release. I lost track of things over the holidays, perhaps someone else 
>> knows when these are scheduled to go public. 
>> Aaron
>> On 13 Jan, 2011,at 09:12 AM, Michael Fortin <> wrote:
>>> I was working on a schema that looks something like this:
>>> HitFamily [UUID 1] ['user-agent'] = '…'
>>> HitFamily [UUID 1] ['referer'] = '…'
>>> HitFamily [UUID 1] ['client_id'] = Long
>>> …
>>> HitCountFamily [client_id as Long] [Current Date as Long] = UUID1
>>> What I'd like to do is count the columns between a date rage without 
>>> returning them. Is it possible to get a count of rows in a slice? Looking 
>>> at hector and thrift there doesn't seem to be a way to do that. How have 
>>> other handled this?
>>> Thanks,

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