On Mon, 2011-01-10 at 16:51 -0500, Michael Fortin wrote: > Is there a roadmap posted somewhere for cassandra? I didn't see one > on the wiki.
The closest we get to a documented roadmap are the bugs that block the release in our JIRA instance. > I was curious to know what major features are in future and if there > was a crude timeline for a 1.0 release. Ugh. The notion of a "1.0" release is an artifact of commercial software development, where vendors work behind closed doors to release a tightly controlled product on a specific schedule. It makes a lot less sense in an open source project where people from different companies and backgrounds collaborate using ad-hoc processes, and where everything is transparent. If you ask 10 people what a "1.0" means in the context of Cassandra, you're going to see a number of different answers. Some people will think It's Time, others that we should have "Gone 1.0" a release or two ago, and others still that think we're not yet there. TL;DR Your best bet is to evaluate the project for yourself, talk to others who've come before, and decide on your own comfort level. My preference would be to drop the leading 0 (it's never meant anything), so 0.7.0 becomes 7.0, the next release 8.0, etc, etc. -- Eric Evans eev...@rackspace.com