
I have a performance problem related to my use of multiple
ColumnFamilies. Maybe there's a better way to represent my data such
that I don't hit this problem, I don't know, but as things stand, I'm
putting data into each ColumnFamily at a rate which is more-or-less the
same for each. This means that each ColumnFamily crosses the
memtable-to-sstable threshold at approximately the same time - but
Cassandra only has one thread which writes memtables to disk, so the
observed behaviour is that ColumnFamilies start waiting for each other
to be written to disk, but will not accept new inserts until this has
happened, which leads to time-outs for both reads and writes.

Can anyone confirm whether or not this behaviour is expected, and
suggest anything that I could do about it? This is on 0.6.6, by the way.
Patched with time-to-live code, if that makes a difference.


Andy Burgess
Principal Development Engineer
Application Delivery
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