On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Arijit Mukherjee <ariji...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi
> I've a quick question about supercolumns.
> EventRecord = {
>    eventKey2: {
>        e2-ts1: {set of columns},
>        e2-ts2: {set of columns},
>        ...
>        e2-tsn: {set of columns}
>    }
>    ....
> }
> If I want to append another "e2-tsp: {set of columns}" to the event
> record keyed by eventKey2, do I need to retrieve the entire eventKey2
> map, and then append this new row and re-insert eventKey2?

No, you can simply insert a new super column with its sub-columns with the
rowKey that you want, and it will join the other super columns of that row.

A row have billions of super columns. Imagine fetching them all, just to add
one more super column into it.
<#>       <#>

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