Roshan, in cassandra.yaml did you define compare_subcolumns_with  for the
The subcolumn names are the timeuuid, not the subcolumn values, right?

On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 9:14 AM, Roshan Dawrani <>wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a super ColumnFamily that has a few super columns, with each having
> a growing list of sub-columns where column name is a TimeUUID, so the
> sub-columns get stored chronologically (oldest to newest)
> When I retrieve this data, can I somehow retrieve the sub-columns in
> reverse order - newest first?
> I am using RangeSuperSlicesQuery to query the super columns and setting a
> range on it with *reverse = true*, but that only sorts the data by super
> column names.
> How can I tell RangeSuperSlicesQuery to get the sub-columns also in reverse
> order?
> Thanks.
> --
> Roshan
> Blog:
> Twitter: @roshandawrani <>
> Skype: roshandawrani


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