One approach is to ask yourself questions as to how you would use this information, for example
- how often to you go from user to tags - how often would you want to go from tag->users. - What kind of reporting would you want to do on tags and how often - Can multiple people add the same tag to the same user, are they maintained separately - Given your business, how many users do you expect - etc. Depending on that one approach might work better than other. I have not used indexes/non id based searches (do not have that use case) in Cassandra yet, so this is just based on time I have spend reading about it. One approach using indexes was given by Jool, the other approach is using reverse indexes - 2 CF - one for user and one for tags (reverse index) - User - might need to have a SC - with tags and some information like who tagged it - Tag - tag to column of users - Advantage: - - 1 query to find user->tags on user CF - tag->users - on tag CF (I would think this would be more efficient than user->tags since that will potentially hit multiple rows/nodes, unless I have misunderstood secondary indexes) - Disadvantage - Need to write to couple of CF, but writes are relatively cheaper than reads in Cassandra - Since you update 2 CF and there are no transaction, one might succeed and the other might fail Even with the other suggestion of indexes you can still add the tag->users. On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 4:54 AM, Prasad Sunkari <> wrote: > > Hi all, > > I have a column family for users of my system and I need to have tags set > to these users. My current plan is to have a column that holds a string > (comma separated tags). > > I am not clear if this the best way to do it. Specially because this may > lead to a complications when more than one administrator is trying to tag > the same user (lost updates) as well as the secondary indexes (if I wanted > to use the built in secondary indexes). I also am not sure if it is > possible to have a secondary index on a multi-valued column! > > Another alternative is to have it in a super column with each tag being a > column by itself and let my application take care of the secondary indexes. > > I am currently of the opinion that the second solution is the only thing > that I could do. > Any suggestions? Since this is my first app on Cassandra I am trying to > see if my opinion is correct. > > Thanks, > Prasad >