Hi! Using v0.6.6, I have a 16 node cluster. One column family has 16 keys(corresponding to node number) but only 9 get listed with get_range_slices with a predicate and a key_range with empty start and end. When I do a get_slice with one of the keys that I know is there (but not listed by get_range_slices) I do get the column slice.
This happens with CL.ALL ! Sample code (python): cp = ColumnParent('summary') col_slice = SliceRange(start="", finish="", count=500) predicate = SlicePredicate(slice_range=col_slice) keyrange = KeyRange(start_key="", end_key="") slices = client.get_range_slices('cf_name', cp, predicate, keyrange, ConsistencyLevel.ALL) print "Found following rows : \n %s" % [k.key for k in slices] >> This prints the following -> Found following rows: ['3', '5', '12', '9', '14', '4', '15', '11', '7'] >> I was expecting -> ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16'] or some byte sorted order. >> Now this code -> slice1 = s.client.get_slice('cf_name', '1', cp, predicate, ConsistencyLevel.ALL) print "found column for key 1 = %s" % struct.unpack("!Q", slice1[0].column.name)[0] >> It prints what I expected: found column for key 1 = 1292454020 ('1292454020' is some column name which is good) Also, when I do a nodetool ring, I see only 15 nodes instead of 16, even from the node that is not listed. Please help. Thanks, Rajat