On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 20:25, Edward Capriolo <edlinuxg...@gmail.com> wrote: > I am quite ready to be stoned for this thread but I have been thinking > about this for a while and I just wanted to bounce these ideas of some > guru's. > > ... > > The upsides ? > 1) Since disk/instance failure only degrades the overall performance > 1/6th (RAID0 you lost the entire node) (RAID5 still takes a hit when > down a disk) > 2) Moves and joins have less work to do > 3) Can scale up a single node by adding a single disk to an existing > system (assuming the ram and cpu is light) > 4) OPP would be "easier" to balance out hot spots (maybe not on this > one in not an OPP) >
Sorry for chiming in so late, but another benefit is that it amortizes stop-the-world garbage collection across 6 jvms. > What does everyone thing? Does it ever make sense to run this way? > I think it would be a great way of utilizing CPU and memory, assuming you can come up with the IO bandwidth. Gary.