You want to store every value twice? That would be a pain to maintain, and
possibly lead to inconsistent data.

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 3:50 AM, Nick Bailey <> wrote:

> I would also recommend two column families. Storing the key as NxN would
> require you to hit multiple machines to query for an entire row or column
> with RandomPartitioner. Even with OPP you would need to pick row or columns
> to order by and the other would require hitting multiple machines.  Two
> column families avoids this and avoids any problems with choosing OPP.
> On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 2:26 PM, Aaron Morton <>wrote:
>> Am assuming you have one matrix and you know the dimensions. Also as you
>> say the most important queries are to get an entire column or an entire row.
>> I would consider using a standard CF for the Columns and one for the Rows.
>>  The key for each would be the col / row number, each cassandra column name
>> would be the id of the other dimension and the value whatever you want.
>> - when storing the data update both the Column and Row CF
>> - reading a whole row/col would be simply reading from the appropriate CF.
>> - reading an intersection is a get_slice to either col or row CF using the
>> column_names field to identify the other dimension.
>> You would not need secondary indexes to serve these queries.
>> Hope that helps.
>> Aaron
>> On 10 Dec, 2010,at 07:02 AM, Sébastien Druon <> wrote:
>> I mean if I have secondary indexes. Apparently they are calculated in the
>> background...
>> On 9 December 2010 18:33, David Boxenhorn <> wrote:
>>> What do you mean by indexing?
>>> On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 7:30 PM, Sébastien Druon <>wrote:
>>>> Thanks a lot for the answer
>>>> What about the indexing when adding a new element? Is it incremental?
>>>> Thanks again
>>>> On 9 December 2010 14:38, David Boxenhorn <> wrote:
>>>>> How about a regular CF where keys are n...@n ?
>>>>> Then, getting a matrix row would be the same cost as getting a matrix
>>>>> column (N gets), and it would be very easy to add element N+1.
>>>>> On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:48 PM, Sébastien Druon <>wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> For a specific case, we are thinking about representing a N to N
>>>>>> relationship with a NxN Matrix in Cassandra.
>>>>>> The relations will be only between a subset of elements, so the Matrix
>>>>>> will mostly contain empty elements.
>>>>>> We have a set of questions concerning this:
>>>>>> - what is the best way to represent this matrix? what would have the
>>>>>> best performance in reading? in writing?
>>>>>>   . a super column family with n column families, with n columns each
>>>>>>   . a column family with n columns and n lines
>>>>>> In the second case, we would need to extract 2 kinds of information:
>>>>>> - all the relations for a line: this should be no specific problem;
>>>>>> - all the relations for a column: in that case we would need an index
>>>>>> for the columns, right? and then get all the lines where the value of the
>>>>>> column in question is not null... is it the correct way to do?
>>>>>> When using indexes, say we want to add another element N+1. What
>>>>>> impact in terms of time would it have on the indexation job?
>>>>>> Thanks a lot for the answers,
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Sébastien Druon

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