Thanks Nick.

After I add the new node as seed node in the configuration for all of my
nodes, do I need to restart all of my nodes?

2010/12/7 Nick Bailey <>

> The node can be set as a seed node at any time. It does not need to be a
> seed node when it joins the cluster. You should remove it as a seed node,
> set autobootstrap to true and let it join the cluster. Once it has joined
> the cluster you should add it as a seed node in the configuration for all of
> your nodes.
> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 9:59 AM, lei liu <> wrote:
>> Thank Jonathan for your reply.
>> How  can I bootstrap the node into cluster, I know if the node is seed
>> node, I can't set AutoBootstrap to true.
>> 2010/12/6 Jonathan Ellis <>
>>> set it as a seed _after_ bootstrapping it into the cluster.
>>> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at t5:01 AM, lei liu <> wrote:
>>> > After one seed node crash, I want to add one node as seed node, I set
>>> > auto_bootstrap to true, but the new node don't migrate data from other
>>> > node s.
>>> >
>>> > How can I add one new seed node and let the node to migrate data from
>>> other
>>> > nodes?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> >
>>> > LiuLei
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Jonathan Ellis
>>> Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
>>> co-founder of Riptano, the source for professional Cassandra support

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