Hello Aaron and Jake,

Thank you for your replay. I've worked with cassandra for 6 month but I
never use Lucandra. I will try Lucandra, but I must ask (before start), Is
possible reach my searching/pagination/sorting requeriments with Lucandra?

Thank you in advance,


2010/12/2 Jake Luciani <jak...@gmail.com>

> You can also run Solr with Cassandra as the backend:
> https://github.com/tjake/Lucandra/tree/solandra
> </shameless_plug>
> -Jake
> On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 6:27 AM, aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com>wrote:
>> Have you considered using Solr / lucene for the search? It has a lot more
>> search features, and it really good at faceted navigation through a product
>> catalogue. It sounds like it would be a better fit for this task.
>> You can build facets for your price ranges, do the product name thing and
>> filter by some sort product state. Sort it any way you want and paginate
>> it.
>> Hope that helps.
>> Aaron
>> On 2 Dec 2010, at 08:03, Pablo D. Salgado wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I need to store "products" data (product.name, product.price,
>> product.state and product.owner) in Cassandra 0.7 rc1.
>> The problem is that I need to get "products"  where product.price > XX AND
>> product.price < XX AND product.name = XXX AND product.state = XXX. Also I
>> need return the products with pagination sorted by one of their differents
>> fields (product.name, product.price, product.state or product.owner).
>> This is a for an "advance product search" functionality.
>> - I know that I can do the WHERE clause with secondary index of Cassandra
>> 0.7 but I can't make the pagination because I don't know how to implement
>> the "previuos" functionality for Row Pagination. (I can use OPP if needed)
>> - Also I know how to do pagination on columns but I can't do the WHERE
>> clause with more than two fields because the result may be not sorted by the
>> correct field.
>> Do you have any idea how to do the data model to reach this requirement?
>> Thank you in advance,
>> Pablo D. Salgado
>> psalg...@colpix.net
>> http://www.colpix.net

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