Hello again. We have 3 nodes and were testing what happens when a node goes down. There is roughly 10gb of data on each node. The node we "simulated" dieing was working just fine under the load. Then we killed it. The ring performed admirably, But upon restarting the node it dies every time of JVM OOM errors. I have forced a JVM heap size of 1024mb in the startup file. (did this because adaptive heap size was causing oom errors with normal usage.) The machines are 2 core 4gb ram vm's.
I've read the Riptano troubleshooting guide... http://www.riptano.com/docs/0.6/troubleshooting/index#nodes-are-dying-with-oom-errors But im not sure if these apply in this case since it is only dieing on startup. Here is a link to the startup logs as it dies. http://pastebin.com/BEXeVvCX Thank you for any help you can provide.