Just had a quick look at an 0.7b2 install and it appeared to be working as expected.
Here's what I got for a row with 50 super columns, that each have 50 columns. I ran the following get_slice calls .
get_slice with no super column specified, count=100
returned 50 super columns, each with 50 columns
get_slice with no super column specified, count = 5
returned 5 super column, each with 50 columns
If your get_slice does not specify a super column (on the ColumParent arg) the count applies to the number of SuperColumn objects to return. Each of those will have all of it's columns. If a super column is specified on ColumnParent then the count refers to the number of Columns to return.
If you're seeing something else can you send an example.
On 18 Nov, 2010,at 03:04 PM, Hayarobi Park <hayarobip...@gmail.com> wrote:
It returned all columns within the range of start and end without regard
to the count. the CF is super column family and I send the range of
super column names of type Long. (and sub column name was UTF8)
I put 2000 super columns in a row, and tried to read the first 50
columns in some range of columns. I inspected
StorageProxy.readProtocol() after read your reply, and got the command
object, of class SliceFromReadCommand, has the 'count' member variable
having int value 50.
I test get_slice request to super column family of UTF8Type/UTF8Type for
super column name/column name, and this test was successfully return the
columns with requested count.
2010-11-18 (목), 00:35 +1300, aaron morton:
> The CassandraServer is not doing the read, step through the code from the call to readColumnFamily() in getSlice().
> The read is passed to the StorageProxy.readProtocol() which looks at the CL and determines if its a weak or strong read, sends it out to all the replicas and manages everything. Eventually the request ends up as the ReadVerbHandler() where it will deserialise an instance of the SliceFromReadCommand and call it's getRow(). From there you can trace through how the count is used.
> Do you have a case where a call to the API returned more or less data than expected?
> Hope that helps.
> Aaron
> On 17 Nov 2010, at 21:03, Hayarobi Park wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > I'm using cassandra (currently 0.7.0-beta3) in JAVA; with library
> > hector.
> >
> > It seems that cassandra ignore the count of SliceRange when received
> > get_slice request.
> >
> >
> > I traced cassandra source code, and the part of code that retrieving
> > columns does not get count as parameter. See,
> > getSlice(List<ReadCommand> commands, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level)
> > method in org.apachecassandra.thrift.CassandraServer class. (line
> > 224~238 in 0.7.0-beta3)
> >
> >
> > private Map<ByteBuffer, List<ColumnOrSuperColumn>>
> > getSlice(List<ReadCommand> commands, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level)
> > throws InvalidRequestException, UnavailableException,
> > TimedOutException
> > {
> > Map<DecoratedKey, ColumnFamily> columnFamilies =
> > readColumnFamily(commands, consistency_level);
> > Map<ByteBuffer, List<ColumnOrSuperColumn>> columnFamiliesMap =
> > new HashMap<ByteBuffer, List<ColumnOrSuperColumn>>();
> > for (ReadCommand command: commands)
> > {
> > ColumnFamily cf =
> > columnFamilies.get(StorageService.getPartitioner().decorateKey(command.key));
> > boolean reverseOrder = command instanceof
> > SliceFromReadCommand && ((SliceFromReadCommand)command).reversed;
> > List<ColumnOrSuperColumn> thriftifiedColumns =
> > thriftifyColumnFamily(cf, command.queryPath.superColumnName != null,
> > reverseOrder);
> > columnFamiliesMap.put(command.key, thriftifiedColumns);
> > }
> >
> > return columnFamiliesMap;
> > }
> >
> > When I inspected in debug mode, the command variable in for loop has the
> > valid count value. The thriftifyColumnFamily(cf,
> > command.queryPath.superColumnName != null, reverseOrder) method actually
> > get columns but it has no way to get count value, and return all value
> > that were not limit by the count.
> >
> >