To cache 100% set the value to 1. The comments in the yaml below do explicitly say this, but its discussed here|(cached)
On 26 Oct, 2010,at 02:02 PM, "Damick, Jeffrey" <jeffrey.dam...@neustarbiz> wrote:
I tried a few variations, but when it set it to: 100% or “100%” or similar I get:
ERROR 19:37:31,898 Fatal error: null; Can't construct a java object for,2002:org.apache.cassandra.config.Config; exception=Cannot create property=keyspaces for javabean=org.apache.cassandra.config.con...@32955cd5; Cannot create property=column_families for javabean=org.apache.cassandra.config.rawkeysp...@31b446d1; Cannot create property=keys_cached for javabean=org.apache.cassandra.config.rawcolumnfam...@c68c26c; For input string: "100%"
Bad configuration; unable to start server
It looks like if it’s yaml it doesn’t pass through the FBUtils.parseDoubleOrPercent(), and since the bean has a double the yaml deserializer is blowing up... Just a guess..
On 10/25/10 3:51 PM, "Aaron Morton" <> wrote:
It should do, this is the comment from the yaml
# - keys_cached: specifies the number of keys per sstable whose
# locations we keep in memory in "mostly LRU" order. (JUST the key
# locations, NOT any column values.) Specify a fraction (value less
# than 1) or an absolute number of keys to cache. Defaults to 200000
# keys.
Is it not working?
On 26 Oct, 2010,at 08:45 AM, "Damick, Jeffrey" <> wrote:
Does 0.7 not support percentages in the keys_cached (in the yaml config)? (I’m on 07.0b2 so maybe it has been fixed?)