I'll be giving a 3-hour tutorial[1] next week at ApacheCon in Atlanta. It covers everything from setup and configuration to cluster operations, and includes a number of hands-on programming exercises using Pycassa[2] and Twissandra[3]. If you're interested, there is still time to register.
If a tutorial alone isn't enough to get you to Atlanta, don't forget that there is a NoSQL track on Wednesday with (among others), 4 different talks [4][5][6][7] on Cassandra. Oh yeah, and there is a Riptano sponsored Cassandra and Big Data meet up on Wednesday evening. That's a lot of Cassandra. :) [1]: http://goo.gl/K0Ch (Tutorial @ ApacheCon) [2]: http://github.com/pycassa/pycassa [3]: http://github.com/eevans/twissandra [4]: http://na.apachecon.com/c/acna2010/sessions/584 [5]: http://na.apachecon.com/c/acna2010/sessions/586 [6]: http://na.apachecon.com/c/acna2010/sessions/587 [7]: http://na.apachecon.com/c/acna2010/sessions/588 [8]: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/981873811 -- Eric Evans eev...@rackspace.com