you have to call set_keyspace on the connection now


jesse mcconnell

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 14:41, Brayton Thompson <>wrote:

> Was there a change to the API in 0.7?
> example...
> from the api wikki
> insert
>    -
>    void insert(string keyspace, string key, ColumnPath column_path, binary 
> value, i64 timestamp, ConsistencyLevel consistency_level)
> Now from the thrift generated perl library for the 0.7 beta 2 download.
> sub insert{
>   my $self = shift;
>   my $key = shift;
>   my $column_parent = shift;
>   my $column = shift;
>   my $consistency_level = shift;
>   $self->send_insert($key, $column_parent, $column, $consistency_level);
>   $self->recv_insert();
> }
> For those of you who don't use perl...
>   my $self = shift;
>   my $key = shift;
>   my $column_parent = shift;
>   my $column = shift;
>   my $consistency_level = shift;
> these get the function arguments out in the order they are listed. The
> first argument (in this example the thing stored into $self) is a reference
> to the class object the method belongs to.  So in our example keyspace goes
> into $key, key goes into $column_parent ... etc.
> This is not a huge issue, I can look at the module to determine the new
> ordering of arguments. However how can I run an insert if the keyspace is
> never supplied to the method?
> Thank you for your time.

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