Thanks, that is a good set of data points!

On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 6:27 PM, Corey Hulen <> wrote:
> I recently posted a blog article about Cassandra and EC2 performance testing
> for small vs large, EBS vs ephemeral storage, compared to real HW with and
> without an SSD.  Hope people find it interesting.
> Highlights:
> The variance in test results from run to run on EC2’s virtual hardware
> fluctuates A LOT.
> EC2 is a finicky beast, but we like it.
> Not all EC2 instances (for the same size ie. small) are created equal.
> Large instances are not 4x as fast as small instances (even though they are
> 4x the price).
> Kind of obvious, but real hardware is better…and yea SSD’s kick butt.
> Automated scripts included.  Please have at it and reproduce the results
> with different configurations.
> Thanks,
> -Corey

Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of Riptano, the source for professional Cassandra support

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