
I checked Cassandra.thrift file and found:

@param ttl. An optional, positive delay (in seconds) after which the column
will be automatically deleted.


2010/10/6 Dan Hendry <d...@ec2.dustbunnytycoon.com>

>  Hi,
> I have a quick and  quite frankly ridiculous question regarding the column
> TTL value; what are the time units? Milliseconds/seconds or something else?
> I initially thought milliseconds given that it is Java and that is what
> timestamps are in but the data type used in the setTll() Java thrift API is
> int which indicates to me it is expecting seconds or at least not
> milliseconds. The Thrift API wiki page mentions nothing about TTL and a
> brief perusal of the source coded did not turn up anything useful (I am
> probably just not looking in the right places).
> Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
> Dan Hendry

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