We have a system test that tests this (in avro python).  see

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 01:06, Gabor Torok <gabor.to...@sunpowercorp.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm attempting to use avro to talk to cassandra because the ruby thrift 
> client's read performance is pretty bad (I measured 4x slower than java).
> However, I run into a problem when calling multiget_slice.
> The server gives a KeyspaceNotDefinedException because 
> clientState.getKeyspace() returns null.
> It seems this is because ClientState stores the keyspace in a ThreadLocal.
> I call set_keyspace and clientState stores the keyspace value. I guess the 
> next avro call to multiget_slice runs in a different thread so it can't 
> retrieve the value.
> In ruby, I use Avro::IPC::HTTPTransceiver as the transport which I believe is 
> a stateless transport. I also tried SocketTransport, but that died with a 
> malloc exception.
> Is this a problem with the ruby avro library (I use avro 1.4.0), or how the 
> server handles avro threads?
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Thanks,
> --Gabor

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