Hi Rob, Thanks for your suggestions. I should have been a bit more verbose in my platform description -- I'm using 64-bit instances, which I think in a Ben Black video I saw led to a sensible default usage of mmap when left at auto. Should I look at forcing this setting?
> You don't mention which version of the deb package you're using, but : I'm using 0.6.5 - the ones bundled by Eric Evans <eev...@apache.org> Because these are 32GB machines, I've not configured them with any swap at all. I've rarely done this in the past - but was aware there was this swap-hell scenario with JVM's, and the rationale makes sense -- it's better to have the JVM crash ''cleanly" than to have it grind the machine to a halt and make it impossible to get onto the machine to kill the process. cheers, Jedd.