
I am using 0.7.0-beta1 , and trying to get the contrib/client_only example to work.

I am running cassandra on host1, and trying to access it from host2.

When using thirft (via cassandra-cli) and in my application; I am able to connect and do all operations as expected.

But I am not able to connect to cassandra when using the code in client_only (or far that matter using contrib/bmt_example). Since my test requires to do bulk insertion of about 1.4 TB of data, so I need to use a non-thirft interface.

The error that I am getting is follows (the keyspace and the column family exist and can be used via Thirft) :

10/09/16 12:35:31 INFO config.DatabaseDescriptor: DiskAccessMode 'auto' determined to be mmap, indexAccessMode is mmap
10/09/16 12:35:31 INFO service.StorageService: Starting up client gossip
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown ColumnFamily Standard1 in keyspace Keyspace1 at org .apache .cassandra .config.DatabaseDescriptor.getComparator(DatabaseDescriptor.java:1009) at org .apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamily.getComparatorFor(ColumnFamily.java: 418)
        at gaia.cu7.cassandra.input.Ingestor.testWriting(Ingestor.java:103)
        at gaia.cu7.cassandra.input.Ingestor.main(Ingestor.java:187)

I am using the following code (from client_only example) (also passing JVM parameter -Dstorage-config=path_2_cassandra.yaml)

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {


// from client_only example

 private static void testWriting() throws Exception
                // sleep for a bit so that gossip can do its thing.
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new AssertionError(ex);

                // do some writing.
final AbstractType comp = ColumnFamily.getComparatorFor("Keyspace1", "Standard1", null);
                for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
RowMutation change = new RowMutation("Keyspace1", ("key" + i).getBytes()); ColumnPath cp = new ColumnPath("Standard1").setColumn(("colb").getBytes()); change.add(new QueryPath(cp), ("value" + i).getBytes(), new TimestampClock(0));

// don't call change.apply(). The reason is that is makes a static call into Table, which will perform // local storage initialization, which creates local directories.
                    // change.apply();

                    System.out.println("wrote key" + i);
                System.out.println("Done writing.");

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