I have a cassandra cluster of 4 machines, and I am trying to bootstrap 2
more machines, one at a time.
For both these machines, the bootstrapping stays stuck after the streaming
is done.

When the nodes come up for bootstrapping, I see all the relevant messages
about getting a new token, assuming load from a particular host. I see a
couple of nodes anticompacting data to send, and at a later point the node
that is bootstrapping prints the right streaming mesgs. However, once the
streaming is over, the node just doesnt do anything. Previously while
bootstrapping, I have seen that after the streaming is done, the node
restarts and becomes part of the ring by itself. I dont see this behaviour
with both the nodes I tried today.
I even restarted all the nodes in the cluster, and tried bootstrapping one
of the nodes again, but it again was stuck after streaming. It seems to have
copied the relevant load as well.
Any ideas as to what could be going on here?


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