we have a Cassandra set up running with 4 nodes with Reflicationfactor:2 and OrderPreservingPartitioner as partitioner but we have not provided InitialToken values. Could some one suggest me what is best way to balance my cluster because some of user threads have suggested "do not ever run nodetool loadbalance" option. which node I should start running loadbalance command first before doing on 2nd node if that option suits for my scenario.
r...@ip-10-251-190-239:/etc/cassandra# nodetool -h localhost ringAddress Status Load Range Ring wpt0w4Aomuhb8MQh Up 119.4 GB jnGTn7PwLTh6dxmC |<--| Up 119.82 GB kopMmFKwbk1yZFNX | | 2.56 KB v8w434UBnDIJyrIe | | 2.56 KB wpt0w4Aomuhb8MQh |-->|r...@ip-10-251-190-239:/etc/cassandra#