I know that "Prev/Next" is good solution for web applications. But when I
want to access data from another application or when I want to access pages
I don't know the internal structure of memtables etc., so I don't know if
columns in row are indexable. If now, then I just want to transfer my
workaround to server (to avoid huge network traffic)...

2010/9/5 Stu Hood <stu.h...@rackspace.com>

> Cassandra supports the recommended approach from:
> http://www.percona.com/ppc2009/PPC2009_mysql_pagination.pdf
> For large numbers of items, skip + limit is extremely inefficent.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: "Michal Augustýn" <augustyn.mic...@gmail.com>
> Sent: Sunday, September 5, 2010 5:39am
> To: user@cassandra.apache.org
> Subject: skip + limit support in GetSlice
> Hello,
> probably this is feature request. Simply, I would like to have support for
> standard pagination (skip + limit) in GetSlice Thrift method. Is this
> feature on the road map?
> Now, I have to perform GetSlice call, that starts on "" and "limit" is set
> to "skip" value. Then I read the last column name returned and subsequently
> perform the final GetSlice call - I use the last column name as "start" and
> set "limit" to "limit" value.
> This workaround is not very efficient when I need to skip a lot of columns
> (so "skip" is high) - then a lot of data must be transferred via network.
> So
> I think that support for Skip in GetSlice would be very useful (to avoid
> high network traffic).
> The implementation could be very straightforward (same as the workaround)
> or
> maybe it could be more efficient - I think that whole row (so all columns)
> must fit into memory so if we have all columns in memory...
> Thank you!
> Augi

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