Another option would of course be to store a mapping between dir/filenames
and Keyspace/columns familes together with other info related to keyspaces
and column families. Just add API/command line tools to look up the
filenames and maybe store the values in the files as well for recovery


On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 3:39 PM, Janne Jalkanen <>wrote:

> I've been doing it for years with no technical problems. However, using "%"
> as the escape char tends to, in some cases, confuse a certain operating
> system whose name may or may not begin with "W", so using something else
> makes sense.
> However, it does require an extra cognitive step for the maintainer, since
> the mapping between filenames and logical names is no longer immediately
> obvious. Especially with multiple files this can be a pain (e.g. Chinese
> logical names which map to pretty incomprehensible sequences that are
> laborious to look up).
> So my experience suggests to avoid it for ops reasons, and just go with
> simplicity.
> /Janne
> On Aug 31, 2010, at 08:39 , Terje Marthinussen wrote:
> Beyond aesthetics, specific reasons?
> Terje
> On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 11:54 AM, Benjamin Black <> wrote:
>> URL encoding.

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