It is default 10 days.
I checked all system.log, all nodes are connected, although not all
the time, but they reconnected after a few minutes. None of node
disconnected more than GC grace seconds.
On Aug 17, 2010, at 11:53 AM, Peter Schuller wrote:
We have 10 nodes cross 5 datacenters. Today I found a strange
thing. On
one node, few data deleted came back after 8-9 days.
The data saved on a node and retrieved/deleted on another node in
a remote
datacenter. The CF is a super column.
What is possible causing this?
What is your GC grace seconds set to? Is it lower than 8-9 days, and
is it possible one or more nodes were disconnected from the remainder
of the cluster for a period longer than the GC grace seconds?
See: http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/DistributedDeletes
/ Peter Schuller