On Sunday, August 15, 2010, S Ahmed <sahmed1...@gmail.com> wrote: > For CF that I need to perform range scans on, I create separate CF that have > custom ordering. > Say a CF holds comments on a story (like comments on a reddit or digg story > post) > So if I need to order comments by votes, it seems I have to re-index every > time someone votes on a comment (or batch it every x minutes). > > > > Right now I think I have to pull all the comments into memory, then sort by > votes, then re-write the index. > Are there any best-practises for this type of index? > It seems that most stories will have few comments 1-100. If you are only looking to order comments on a given article by vote this seems like something you would want to store with the article and or calculate on the fly.
Unless you were looking for a feature like ,show highest rated comment across all articles, I do not understand why you would need a separate cf. Does my suggestion make sense ?if not, can share your storage.xml ?