I've managed to find the problem. Not a IBM vs. Sun JRE issue.
It had to do with my RHEL distribution JRE defintions which caused
conflicts (from /etc/java/java.conf...). When invoking with absolute
path to java executable, instead of simply java the errors were gone.
So no more errors in munin-node.log.

However I now get errors in munin-update.log, such as
Aug 05 17:35:01 [18822] - Warning: Unknown option "value" in
And this is true for every Cassandra plugin. Any idea as to what may
be the cause for this error?

Thank you
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 7:04 PM, Peter Schuller
<peter.schul...@infidyne.com> wrote:
>> Are you saying this based on your personal experience?
>> Or is this just an educated guess?
> Whatever the cause, the end result is that
> javax.management.remote.JMXConnector does not exist. So the most
> likely culprits would be that CLASSPATH is different, or you're using
> a different JVM. For example, on many operating systems "java" is a
> wrapper that selects which JVM to use - possibly depending on
> environment variables.
> I can't speak to the comment about IBM and whether their JRE would be
> expected to include the JMX classes; but certainly some CLASSPATH or
> JVM mismatch seems likely.
> --
> / Peter Schuller

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