I've managed to find the problem. Not a IBM vs. Sun JRE issue. It had to do with my RHEL distribution JRE defintions which caused conflicts (from /etc/java/java.conf...). When invoking with absolute path to java executable, instead of simply java the errors were gone. So no more errors in munin-node.log.
However I now get errors in munin-update.log, such as Aug 05 17:35:01 [18822] - Warning: Unknown option "value" in "my_machine_name:compactions_bytes.bytes.value". And this is true for every Cassandra plugin. Any idea as to what may be the cause for this error? Thank you Aviad On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 7:04 PM, Peter Schuller <peter.schul...@infidyne.com> wrote: >> Are you saying this based on your personal experience? >> Or is this just an educated guess? > > Whatever the cause, the end result is that > javax.management.remote.JMXConnector does not exist. So the most > likely culprits would be that CLASSPATH is different, or you're using > a different JVM. For example, on many operating systems "java" is a > wrapper that selects which JVM to use - possibly depending on > environment variables. > > I can't speak to the comment about IBM and whether their JRE would be > expected to include the JMX classes; but certainly some CLASSPATH or > JVM mismatch seems likely. > > -- > / Peter Schuller >