trunk is using framed thrift connections by default now (was unframed) On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 11:33 AM, J T <> wrote: > Hi, > I just tried upgrading a perfectly working Cassandra 0.6.3 to Cassandra 0.7 > and am finding that even after re-generating the erlang thrift bindings that > I am unable to perform any operation. > I can get a connection but if I try to login or set the keyspace I get a > report from the erlang bindings to say that the connection is closed. > I then tried upgrading to a later version of thrift but still get the same > error. > e.g. > (zotonic3...@> thrift_client:start_link("localhost", 9160, > cassandra_thrift). > {ok,<0.327.0>} > (zotonic3...@> {ok,C}=thrift_client:start_link("localhost", 9160, > cassandra_thrift). > {ok,<0.358.0>} > (zotonic3...@> thrift_client:call( C, set_keyspace, [ <<"Test">> > ]). > =ERROR REPORT==== 27-Jul-2010::03:48:08 === > ** Generic server <0.358.0> terminating > ** Last message in was {call,set_keyspace,[<<"Test">>]} > ** When Server state == {state,cassandra_thrift, > {protocol,thrift_binary_protocol, > {binary_protocol, > {transport,thrift_buffered_transport,<0.359.0>}, > true,true}}, > 0} > ** Reason for termination == > ** {{case_clause,{error,closed}}, > [{thrift_client,read_result,3}, > {thrift_client,catch_function_exceptions,2}, > {thrift_client,handle_call,3}, > {gen_server,handle_msg,5}, > {proc_lib,init_p_do_apply,3}]} > ** exception exit: {case_clause,{error,closed}} > in function thrift_client:read_result/3 > in call from thrift_client:catch_function_exceptions/2 > in call from thrift_client:handle_call/3 > in call from gen_server:handle_msg/5 > in call from proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3 > The cassandra log seems to indicate that a connection has been made > (although thats only apparent by a TRACE log message saying that a logout > has been done). > The cassandra-cli program is able to connect and function normally so I can > only assume that there is a problem with the erlang bindings. > Has anyone else had any success using 0.7 from Erlang ? > JT.
-- Jonathan Ellis Project Chair, Apache Cassandra co-founder of Riptano, the source for professional Cassandra support