Sorry, also moving to User list.


On 26 Jul, 2010,at 12:14 PM, Aaron Morton <> wrote:

You may need to provide a some more information. What's the cluster configuration, what version, what's in the logs etc.


On 24 Jul, 2010,at 03:40 AM, Michelan Arendse <> wrote:


I have recently started working on Cassandra as I need to make a distribute
Lucene index and found that Lucandra was the best for this. Since then I
have configured everything and it's working ok.

Now the problem comes in when I need to write this Lucene index to Cassandra
or convert it so that Cassandra can read it. The test index is 32 gigs and i
find that Cassandra times out alot.

What happens can't Cassandra take that load? Please any help will be great

Kind Regards,

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