For read, the bottleneck is usually the disk. Use iostat to check the utility of your disks.
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 2:07 PM, Peter Schuller < > wrote: > > Has anyone experimented with different settings for concurrent reads? I > > have set our servers to 4 ( 2 per processor core ). I have noticed that > > occasionally, our pending reads will get backed up and our servers don't > > appear to be under too much load. In fact, most of the load appears to > be > > from GC. Is 3 per processor core too much? Does it matter if it is an > AMC > > vs Intel processor? How does processor clock speed or cache play into > this > > setting? > > Increase concurrency until you're able to either saturate CPU or > saturate the disk subsystem. Note that the more disks you have, the > more concurrency you'll need to fully utilize them. > > -- > / Peter Schuller >