Here's what we have for hector:

blog posts:

read all 
all key slices for… in groups <>

On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 1:45 AM, Gavan Hood <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been researching the samples with some success but its taken a
> while. I am very keen on Cassandra and love the work thats been done, well
> done everyone involved.
> I would like to get as many of the samples I can get organized into
> something that makes it easier to kick of with for people taking the road I
> am on.
> If people on this list have code snippets, full example apps, test apps,
> API test functions etc I would like to hear about them please. My work is in
> Java so I really want to see those, the others are still of high interest as
> I will post them all out as I mention below.
> Ideally I would like to get a small test container set up to allow people
> to poke and prod API's and see what happens, but like most of us time is the
> challenge. If I do not get that far I would at least post the findings to
> page(s)  that people can continue to add to, maybe if successful it could
> then be consumed back into the apachi wiki...
> If someone has already done this I would love to see the site.
> Let me know your thoughts,  and better yet show me the code :-)
> Regards
> Gavan

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