I'm currently trying to wrap my head around Cassandra which is definitely not 
easy for a mind deeply entrenched in SQL :)

I see how blogs/tweets etc. can be modeled in Cassandra. However, I have a 
sightly different problem.

Let's say we let the user see a random item(article/picture/recipe/you-name-it) 
and vote for it. We should show the most popular items, the last 
articles/pictures the user has voted for etc.

1. How can I show the most popular items?
2. How can I present the user with a random item he hasn't seen yet?

For the first question I figured I could have a <ColumnFamily 
CompareWith="LongType"  Name="Rating"/> and store lists of items per each 
rating, updating them as necessary. Can't figure out a way to correctly 
implement question number 2.

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