On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 4:44 PM, Charles Butterfield
<charles.butterfi...@nextcentury.com> wrote:
> I guess my point is that I have rarely run across database servers that die
> from either too many client connections, or too rapid client requests.  They
> generally stop accepting incoming connections when there are too many 
> connection
> requests, and further they do not queue and acknowledge an unbounded number of
> client requests on any given connection.

Not what I am suggesting.  Instead, I am saying things can be tuned to
behave in various ways: you can arbitrarily back up client requests
such that they start timing out, you can accept them and run out of
memory, you can start swapping and go into a GC death spiral and have
nodes drop off the ring, etc.  There just isn't a situation in which
you can satisfy an arbitrary load in limited time with insufficient
resources.  The exact same constraints apply to other databases, like
MySQL, and the expectation to tune for your needs is the same.


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